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Sunday, December 14, 2008

'Ride' on a fire truck

I never considered myself a scrooge or anything, but after reading this you may.

Durham, N.C. — Durham firefighters are collecting toys. In exchange, they'll give you a ride on a fire truck. ...


The story does not specify or define exactly what the 'ride' is. (Special thanks to BJ Clinton (and probably the BO) for teaching us we need to parse words so carefully.) Maybe you just get to sit in the drivers seat while the engine 'spits' on the windshield and your copilot makes the siren sound. I hope so.

If not, who will be paying for the fuel and taking responsibility if someone gets hurt?

The taxpayers. Who approved this program? the fire chief? the city council? Perhaps there is some extra money in the budgets this year, and if they don't spend it, they lose it?

The government from top to bottom does not get it. They can not continue to spend taxpayer money with such recklessness. How long will it be before the city of Durham asks for a federal bailout?

For now, the Republic endures.

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