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Obama 'Hope and Change' metrics

### Obama's National Debt

Unemployment, Prime rate, Regular gasoline national average, Dow Jones Industrial Average

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Remember, He did cut his teeth in Chicago

Here we have some rumblings of the beginning of the end of the honeymoon...
During almost two years on the campaign trail, Barack Obama vowed to slay the demons of Washington, bar lobbyists from his administration and usher in what he would later call in his Inaugural Address a "new era of responsibility." What he did not talk much about were the asterisks.

The exceptions that went unmentioned now include a pair of cabinet nominees who did not pay all of their taxes. Then there is the lobbyist for a military contractor who is now slated to become the No. 2 official in the Pentagon. And there are the others brought into government from the influence industry even if not formally registered as lobbyists.

Like Balgo, BOTO probably believes there is nothing wrong with this.  (Watch this interview, this guy had me rooting for him!)

He will read the teleprompter, awkwardly shifting from the left screen to the right screen.  People will swoon, some will faint. (Can I get an Amen?)  Soon the media and the public will grow tired of the novelty of this historic administration.  Much like we grow tired of a song that gets overplayed on the radio (like "Achey-Breaky Heart", or "Beat It"). 

This four-year administration is going to be more entertainment than the entire Clinton administration.

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