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Obama 'Hope and Change' metrics

### Obama's National Debt

Unemployment, Prime rate, Regular gasoline national average, Dow Jones Industrial Average

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What next?

Well, now we've really done it. Not exactly 'we', since I didn't vote for the guy. But now I believe our Republic has just entered a new era. A dangerous era. Can the Republic that we knew and loved, endure?

The ugly face of Socialism knocked, while the American media covered the peephole. The American people opened the door.

This is what I think is the scary part. This guy came out of nowhere. We do not really know who he is. He talks in a mesmerizing manner with out saying anything of substance. People bought it. Is this what the beginning of the end looks like? Once you lose liberty you can never get it back. Ever. It has slowly been eroding away over the years, but now I think the rate is going to accelerate.

This era will pass. The pendulum will swing the other way. But how long will it take? Once it does, what will be left? Who will shape it? Can it be shaped?

It can be done. It must be done. We need a leader to do it. I used to think we needed an event to rally around, like 9/11. But the president-elect proved it is not necessary. All you need is to get people to follow you, i.e. lead. Who will be the leader to turn America away from socialism?

So, for the first time in my adult life, I am worried about the future of my country. Here are a few things this blog will watch:
  • unemployment
  • interest rates
  • fairness doctrine
  • keeping your 401k
  • gas prices
I hope we will be able to come up with a leader that can be used to preserve the liberties we enjoy in this the greatest country on earth.

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